Discovering The Armorsmith Recipes (Metal Trade) Guide

Discovering The Armorsmith Recipes (Metal Trade) Guide

Discovering all the armorsmith recipes do need to take some time. It would take about a week to discover them. Tin is the only material I used to discover all the recipes. The material has no effect on the chances of discovering the armorsmith recipes, so it is better to use tin which is the cheapest and easiest to mine. The Nasal Cervelliere will be your first and the only recipe. First of all, craft the Nasal Cervelliere until you discover the Camail with Cervelliere. Do not forget to change the quality to exceptional. It is common that you get none or other recipes like shield in the first few trails.

Nasal, Cervelliere
Nasal Cervelliere is the first recipe you will have for the Armorsmith.

Then, start crafting the Camail to discover the plated mail recipes. Crafting Camail will give you higher chances of discovering the plated mail recipes. If the Bascinet recipe pops out while you are on the way discovering the plated mail recipes, you may shift to craft the Bascinet.

Camail, with, Cervelliere
Camail with Cervelliere might be your third or forth recipes.

Bacinet recipe is the best hat in the armorsmith recipe.
Once your hero discovered one of the plated mail recipes, you may start crafting that plated mail recipe. Crafting the plated mail recipe will give better chances to discover other plated mail recipes.

Note: I have never crafted any shields to discover other recipes. Also, all the shield recipes pop out while I was crafting the Nasal Cervelliere, Camail, and plated mail recipes.


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  1. Great guide!
    I have a little request, could you make w guide about commerce?
    What is it, how you can make money with this proffesion, is it useful, things like this, since variety of fresh players do not uderstand this job, it would be very helpful ;)

    1. Sure. Thanks for the suggestion. =)

    2. I just made the commerce post. It is more like a explanation. Hope you would like it.

  2. thanks for the post, I didn't see the commerce post but will give it a look now. I could not figure it out myself

    1. Let me know if you have any questions about commerce :)

  3. hmm thas i t min that getting new recipes will come after 10 trials or more i had allredy shields bu no other armour part :(

    1. I am sorry to hear that. That did happen on my alt as well. Sometimes it takes more trials to get one recipe. Once you get the other armor (not shield), you should go ahead and make them.

  4. Thank you for the guide. That was helpful.

  5. Thanks for this, it's useful. But how do you *start* crafting armor? I gather it's a quest at Faurash Tower, but I can't see an explanation anywhere of how you are expected to discover Faurash (I realise I could just explore at the location, but I'd rather do it properly).
