Training Guide for Offense and Defense Stat

Attack and defense stat is the most difficult skill to level up compared to the trading skills (i.e. wood, stone, fashioning, etc). So, I would like to create a guide to help newbies to overcome this problem.

At the very beginning, you do not need to be worried about your attack and defense stat because both offense and defense will raise when you are doing your quests. For example, once you left the Hope Island, you can train you offense/defense at the military district of Hawkoria City, and then you offense/defense stat will raise while you are on the way getting Yraen (Companion) and the Lanfar access. So, do the quests first to obtain Yraen, and then get access to Lanfar.

When you are able to access to Lanfar your hero offense and defense stat may be around 14 or higher.  Bring along any strong combat companions with you. You will at least have a Soldier/Captain, 2 bears, and Yraen. Also, a better equipment could help you to reduce the damage received from monsters and increasing the dodge rate. You will need healing potion; it helps to make the training progress faster. It is fine if you do not have healing potion. Go to rest or continue doing tasks after your hero is injured.

If you want to raise your hero offense, kill a mob that has higher defense than your hero, and vice versa. *One thing you should note for offense and defense training is that the mobs that you kill must be within 15 levels of your stat. Anything higher than 15, your offense and defense will not raise. Here is the figure to show detailed information.
The mob's piercing defense must be within 15 levels of your hero piercing offense. Hero in the picture has 14.5 piecing offense, so the mob's piercing defense must be lower than 29.5.
The mob's piercing defense must be within 15 levels of your hero piercing offense. Hero in the picture has 14.5 piecing offense, so the mob's piercing defense must be lower than 29.5.
If the hero's offense and defense are around 14 +/- 1, you can take your hero to the Gorrun'gol Cave. There are a few mobs that are about as strong as you, but be careful sometimes there will be 4 mobs popping out together. There is a mini boss as well in Gorrun'gol Cave, however, the presence % is low. If you meet him, escape from the battle.

Gorrun'gol Cave located at Hawkoria, Silver Mountains  (around 100, 211).

Garrun'gol Cave, Gorrun'gol Cave

The picture below is how the Gorrun'gol cave look like. Move your hero to the area that is in the red circle. That region in the circle is where the mobs are as strong as you.The mobs offense range is 16~18 and defense is 10~17. The mobs in the brown region have 19~23 offense and 16~20 defense.

Garrun'gol Cave, Gorrun'gol Cave, gems

Train your hero there until it reaches 20 or 21 +/- 1 for both offense and defense.

When both the offense and defense stat of hero is 19/20, you can proceed to Lanfar. *Always carry bear that has high forest (land skill) with you. So, you can train both your hero and bear offense/defense, and forest (landskill) in Lanfar, HuntingWood. Here is the tips for quickly encountering mobs in HuntingWood: Create many flags and the distance between each flag is small. Here is the picture,

HuntingWood, Hunting Wood, wolf, bear, forest, land skill
Creating many flags with short distance between each flag. You will encounter wolf, bear, and behiran in no time.

When the hero defenses (blunt, piercing, and slashing) are 23, 27, and 22, respectively, you may take your hero to the Landel island for training. Start from here, you should at least have T3 fighters which are Squire and Sister in Arm. You can get them by building an inn in Lanfar. Please visit this for detail information about inn.

The recommended companions for training in Landel island are: Yraen, 2x Squire, and a bear. If you have high authority (leadership), you may bring Yraen, 2x Squire, and Sister in Arm. Also, if possible get a bronze plate armor sets for your hero to reduce the damage received from mobs.

Bronze armor sets:

Bronze sets armor, camail, chest, arms, gloves, legs, boots

For defense training in Landel island: Slashing defense can be trained in Wolvera Park ,and Blunt and Piercing defense are in Beryl Park. For the blunt defense training, you can only increase it by killing the Eliandel Eater (mini boss) in Beryl Park. Raise your slashing/piercing defense to 30 +/- 1 and blunt defense 28 +/-1. After that you may start doing the Cerrydwen quest. You will raise your defense in the process of obtaining her. Cerrydwen Cahern is a very useful companion! You will like her as much as Yraen! To reduce the difficulty of the quest, you should at least go with iron plated mail or better. Also, ask your guildmates to make the blunt weapon (+43) or buy it in the market. With good blunt weapon, you can kill the Queen spider quickly!

[Tips for killing the Araknidras: Choose 3 high blunt offense companions to kill the Araknidras (Spider Queen) and use your hero to protect the companion that has the lowest blunt defense. If not your companion with the lowest blunt defense would be killed by the spider first.]

After obtaining the Cerrydwen, the hero offense/defense stat would be about 33 +/- 1. Then, you may start your training in Town Square. The recommended companions are Yraen, Squire, Cerrydwen, and Sister in Arm. Also, the recommended equipment is the iron plated mail or above. In town square, the good training spots would be the "monster's den" and the "hut". So, click between those two spots training your hero and farming for golds and materials! **Beware: There is a mini boss (Intruder) in those two spots.

[Tips for killing the Intruder: Choose 3 companions (1st: Yraen, the rest your choice) with high slashing offense to kill the Intruder, and use your hero to protect the Yraen (or using your hero to protect a companion that has the highest slashing offense)! He would die without your protection.]

When your hero defense stops increasing in Town Square, it is time for you to move to Elisime Ruin. However, you do need to upgrade your armor to bronze/steel Harnois set. You can level the hero all three defenses to around 54. Elisime Ruin is a very good place to earn golds. While doing training in Elisime Ruin, please beware of the Ruiner. You can only kill it when you have a boarserker with you. So, run away when you met boss.

Here is the excel file for you to take a look at the mobs that you will encounter in different places. I'll post a notice if there is an update for the monster lists.xls

TherianSaga Journal: Monsters List [Update on April 05, 2015] 

TherianSaga Journal: Monsters List ver 1 [Update on April 23, 2015]


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Happy gaming.


  1. Thanks for coming up with this. This is something I've been struggling with. Gave me some ideas on how to deal with other things as well.


    1. I am glad that this post gave you some ideas to deal with your problem.

      If you have any questions, feel free to ask here.

      Happy gaming!

  2. The guide is awesome, thanks for it! I had a bit of a problem with defence in the past - the forest part in Lanfar is great!

    1. Thanks for using the training guide. That training guide was written based on my experiences. If you meet some difficulties while using the training guide, please comment here. That would allow me to improve the training guide.

      Thanks again.

  3. How to get to Lanfar. That is what I want to know. Maybe it is too soon.

    1. o.0 before straight to Lanfar, you need Yrean, 2 bears, and a soldier. You definitely need those for quests to Lanfar.

  4. Updated the blunt defense training part in Landel Island, and I added the next training after the Town Square.

  5. Thank you very much for this awesome guide, I'm sure it will help me a lot! :D

    1. Thank you, and I'm glad that this is helpful to you :)

    2. It is, indeed :D
      I'm currently in HuntingWoods, your trick with the 4 flags is great!
      Next step: building an inn to recruit T3 fighters, and I'll go break some Eliandel Eaters ;)

    3. Before you build an inn, make sure you build the inn at a place that also give a good presence % for a t3 that you want to improve your skill (i.e. wood, metal, etc). For instance, building an inn in the whispering forest will give you a wood scorer t3 at 10% presence. The presence % of T3 fighters is the same at all places :)

    4. I haven't really took a look at this, but I know that it's important to choose and match the right place and the right materials, so I'll take some time to read some tutorials :)
      Once again, thankx for your help! ^^
      BTW, I tried the "4 flags trick" in the Renaissance Mountains, and it seems to be a good place to up combat skills ;)

  6. "When the hero gets to 27 +/- 1 for both offense/defense, you may take your hero to the Landel island for training. Start from here, you should at least have T3 fighters which are Squire and Sister in Arm. You can get them by building an inn in Lanfar. Please visit this for detail information about inn."

    You must have completed the Landel Island to reach the Lanfar. If you are able to finish the Landel Island, you can train there already...

    1. hmm... at the time you are working on the quest to unlock the Lanfar, it is not easy to train there. The reason is you do not have a good companion such as squires, sister-in-arm and the swordman; with those companions you can easily train at Beryl Park in Landel Island. Remember, you can only hire squires, sister-in-arm and swordman from an inn in Lanfar :)

  7. Good morning!

    First, let me thank you for this guide, I find it really usefull.

    However, I have a little question: if I kill Araknidras, will it respawn, so I can tame it and get the recipe for the brooch?

    Best regards,


    1. Yes, Araknidras is a repeatable task; you still can kill it after every 18 hours if I remember it correctly. Also, you can tame it to get the recipe after you killed it :)

    2. Thank you, that's a really good news! :)

  8. Hello again!

    Thanks to this guide, I reached a really good combat skill quite easily, so thank you for that :)

    Also, I want to share with you an intersting discovery I made, thanks to one of my guildmates:

    It's possible (and really easy) to train your defense in a personnal arena.
    I built one in the plains of Hawkoria using materials bought in Hawkoria City, and a fighting machine built with the cheapest materials. In this arena, I can fight against 3 types of warriors (one for blunt, one for slashing, and one for piercing) with stats around 40 in both attack and defense.
    There is a 1 hour cooldown for each fight (and it costs 10 silver coins, but if you win, you earn around 20 silver coins), and those fighters have a 60% attack MALUS...

    Hope it will help someone ;)

    And Happy New Year!!!

    1. Hello Gormogon! It's really good to see you here again, and Happy New Year :))

      Thanks for sharing such amazing information.

  9. Hi TherianNoble - your guide is awsome. Thererfore I want to ask if get the permission to translate it into German for the German TherianSage forum. Everybody isn't able to speak or read English :(
    For sure I will add a link to your original guide and the TherianSaga Journal :)

    Best Regards

    1. Yes, you may translate the post. Thanks for reading my post. =)

  10. nice guide, not working anymore, but good hint ^^
