You must buy at least 200 BC to get a Premium status for you account on TherianSaga. The premium status is permanent.
What benefits do I get from premium status?
You will have sleep readiness which allows you to assign tasks while your hero is sleeping. Another benefit is that there will be a gold circle (medallions) around your character status.
Do other alts share the same benefits in a Premium account?
Yes, all the alternative characters (alts) in the same account which has Premium status will share the same benefits. For example, if you buy 4x Companion slots, all the alts in that account are allowed to have 4 extra companions (You will have 4 (original) + 4 (Upgrades) = 8 companions in total).
What upgrades are worth spending on?
4x Companions (Very important), 2x Sheath, 2x Utility Belts and Crossing. (These are my opinions)
4x Companions
This will be very useful and helpful while you are playing the game. As an example, you can have more companions to chop trees at the same time, it saves you a lot of times! Also, you can have more backup fighters while you are doing dungeon or quests.
2x Sheath
This upgrades allow your hero to equip more than one weapons so that your hero are able to get the best Blunt/Piercing/Slashing offense from different weapons.
Rustic Iron Flail |
Steel Battle Hammer |
Having two utility belts is useful when you are crafting stuffs. For example, while you are doing high level armor/tools crafting, you can use low level fuel (i.e. firewood) to craft.
You can have more than one alt to help you do collect stuffs (i.e. logs, lumps, etc)
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